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Friday, August 3, 2012

Hey guys, to anyone reading this, today I looked at my stats and I was like, "OMG 159 VIEWS?!?! I'M FAMOUS!!". But then I was like, "That should actually hurt my feelings considering I only have two followers...which in understandable since I don't post that much. I'm going to make a post! That sounds like fun!". So here I am you guys, giving a blog and stuff. I got a new computer so my original set of photos that I was planning give you guys has bee changed. And, I've also decided to post sets of photos instead of just one at a time because I browse the internet sooooooo much. I am giving you the BEST (in my opinion) of the BEST (in my opinion) of the INTERNET!! WOOOOO!!!!! And it so recently occured to me that I should some more links to websites and blogs that I find to be interesting, so here we go! And these actually AREN'T my BEST pictures but they don't have cursing in them so... there ya go. Also, a lot of my hilarious photos are on my phone and that can be a real bugger sometimes. Lol. Bugger.

Friday, May 11, 2012

'Sup y'all? Sorry I haven't posted in such a long time. Sooooo much homework it ain't even funny. Well, summer is in a week so maybe I can post some more! AYEYEYEYEYEE!!! I'm sorry guys. I don't know what just happened but I decided to keep it, anyway. Okay my peeps, What are your first, second and third favourite songs? I just wanna know if I'm a weird person or not. Nevermind. I'm weird. Tell me anyway, though, because I want to make a chart or something. I... I don't know. Please don't judge me. Okay so just tell me in the comments or something.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Hi guys!! Since I haven't posted any photos lately I'm gonna post one now so that you're not angry with me or anything which you probably are anyway but whatever. Ok byeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, January 30, 2011


I just wanted to say sorry because I didn't post everyday like I said I would. :( Dont hate me. so I guess I owe 2 pictures right? Dang... sorry I mentioned it( I'm just pitiful today aren't I? ) I'm on my friends computer so I don't have the pictures. Also, my computer,s charger won't work so that's a problem too. Hope you guys forgive me. o_o

Saturday, January 8, 2011

sorry i didnt post

I dont have lots of fans so it doesnt matter that much but im sorry anyway so yeah. Well, my computer won't charge so im on my mom's and since it wont charge i cant really use it(duh ). I have a feeling I said the same thing twice in one sentence. Ok, I'll give you the picture of the week tomorrrow.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Hi guys! This my blog for the day! Um... Well I don't have any homework so uh... yeah. I don't really like homework but ya know you gotta do it... :( Glad I don't have any!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) There were some teachers that gave homework! The school week is only 3 days long! I was like " Jeez dudes! Give us a BREAK!!! " but they were like " We're giving you guys homework whether you like it or not!" so I said " We don't like it! " then they said " Well that's to bad!!!!!!!!!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ". Of course I didn't really say that and they probably wouldn't say that (there's a chance ). Anyway, homework is awful and nobody should have to do it.My `favorite word is either "anyway" or "well".What's yours?

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Follow Up Post

OK my mom said i need to write a new post every day but I'll only give you a new picture every week. I would run out of pictures if I gave you a new picture everyday. Anyway, this is one of my favorite blog sites.
http://hyperboleandahalf.blogspot.com/ If you know who Kenny Loggins is, read "The Year Kenny Loggins Ruined Christmas". Its soooooo funny. I have to go to bed so bye guys